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Braces are a common orthodontic treatment that can help align teeth and create a beautiful, healthy smile. However, can you eat candy when you have braces? There are certain dietary restrictions to ensure that braces remain intact and effective. Among the most frequently asked questions is whether or not you can indulge in candy while wearing braces. In this article, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of enjoying candy when you have braces.

Can You Eat Candy When You Have Braces

Braces are a common orthodontic treatment that can help align teeth and create a beautiful, healthy smile. However, they come with certain dietary restrictions to ensure that the braces remain intact and effective. Among the most frequently asked questions is whether or not you can indulge in candy while wearing braces. In this article, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of enjoying candy when you have braces.

What Fruity Candy Can You Eat With Braces?

When you have braces, you don’t have to give up all types of candy. During the first week of having braces, it’s essential to focus on soft, easy-to-chew foods that won’t put too much pressure on your newly adjusted dental appliances. In fact, there are plenty of fruity options that are braces-friendly. Some of these include:

Soft Fruit Chews: Many soft fruit candies are safe for braces. They are typically easy to chew and won’t damage your braces.

soft fruit chews

Jellybeans: As long as you avoid the hard ones and stick to the softer, chewable jellybeans, you can enjoy their fruity goodness without worry.


Fruit Gummies: Gummy candies with a fruity flavor are often safe to eat with braces. Just be sure to brush your teeth thoroughly afterward to remove any sticky residue.

fruit gummies

Chocolate-Covered Fruits: Chocolate-dipped strawberries or bananas are usually fine for those with braces. The chocolate coating adds a sweet twist to your fruit treat.

Chocolate-Covered Fruits

What Candy Can You Not Eat With Braces?

 When you have braces, there are certain foods you should avoid to prevent damage to your orthodontic appliances and to maintain good oral hygiene. While there are candies you can enjoy with braces, there are also several types you should avoid altogether:

Hard Candy: Hard candies like lollipops and jawbreakers can break or damage braces, leading to costly repairs and extended treatment time.

hard candy scaled

Sticky Candy: Chewy, sticky candies such as taffy and caramel can become lodged in your braces, leading to hygiene issues and the risk of cavities.

Sticky Candy

Crunchy Candy: Anything hard and crunchy, like peanut brittle or toffee, should be off-limits, as it can cause brackets to pop off or wires to bend.

Crunchy Candy

Candy with Nuts: Candies containing nuts, like nougat-filled treats, should be avoided, as they can damage braces.

Candy with Nuts

You can still enjoy candy when you have braces, but you must be selective and cautious. Opt for soft, non-sticky, and braces-friendly options to satisfy your sweet tooth without risking damage to your orthodontic appliance. Additionally, maintain proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups to ensure your braces treatment progresses smoothly. Always consult your orthodontist for personalized advice on what foods are suitable for your specific case.

What Sour Candy Can You Eat With Braces?

Sour candies are often tempting, but they can be problematic for braces. The high acidity and hardness of some sour candies can potentially harm your braces. However, there are milder options you can try:

Sour Patch Kids: These candies are softer and can be consumed with caution. Just be mindful of the level of sourness.

Sour Patch Kids

Sour Gummy Worms: Like Sour Patch Kids, sour gummy worms are relatively soft and less likely to cause damage to your braces.

Sour Gummy Worms

What Can You Eat with Braces?

While candy is often a popular treat, it’s essential to maintain a balanced diet when you have braces. Softer and healthier alternatives to candy can include:

Yogurt: It’s a great source of calcium and protein, and it’s gentle on braces.


Cheese: Cheese is rich in calcium and doesn’t pose a risk to your braces. It can even help neutralize acids in your mouth.


Fruit Smoothies: Blending fruits with yogurt or milk can create a delicious and nutritious treat.

Fruit Smoothies

Pudding: Soft, creamy, and braces-friendly.


Be sure to check out our article on what it’s like living with braces.

You can still enjoy candy when you have braces, but you must be selective and cautious. Opt for soft, non-sticky, and braces-friendly options to satisfy your sweet tooth without risking damage to your orthodontic appliance. Additionally, maintain proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups to ensure your braces treatment progresses smoothly. Always consult your orthodontist for personalized advice on what foods are suitable for your specific case.

What Can You Do To Maintain Healthy Oral Hygiene?

Braces require a bit of extra care to keep your teeth and gums healthy throughout the orthodontic treatment. When enjoying candy with braces, or any other food, it’s crucial to maintain excellent oral hygiene. Here are some tips to help you keep your teeth and braces in good shape:

Brushing and Flossing

Regular and thorough brushing is even more critical when you have braces. It’s recommended to brush your teeth after every meal, or at least three times a day. Be gentle but thorough to remove food particles from around the brackets and wires. Additionally, using an orthodontic toothbrush can make the task more manageable.

Flossing with braces can be a bit tricky, but it’s essential to clean between your teeth and around the wires. You can use special floss threaders or orthodontic floss to make the process easier.


Rinsing with an antimicrobial or fluoride mouthwash can help keep your mouth clean and reduce the risk of cavities. Consult your orthodontist for recommendations on the best mouthwash for your specific needs.

Orthodontic Wax

Braces can sometimes cause irritation or sores in your mouth. Orthodontic wax is a handy tool for covering any sharp or protruding edges of your braces that might be causing discomfort.

 Regular Check-ups

Regular visits to your orthodontist are essential. They can make necessary adjustments to your braces, monitor your progress, and address any issues that might arise.

Dietary Considerations

Apart from candy, there are other foods and beverages you should be cautious about. For example:

  • Popcorn: The hulls can get stuck in your braces or damage them. Opt for the hull-less variety or be very cautious while enjoying popcorn.
  • Nuts: While nuts themselves aren’t off-limits, it’s a good idea to avoid hard, whole nuts. Opt for nut butter or finely chopped nuts if you’re craving them.
  • Carbonated Drinks: Sugary and acidic drinks can contribute to tooth decay and enamel erosion. Water is the best beverage choice, but if you do indulge in a soda, use a straw to minimize contact with your teeth.

It’s crucial to remember that the guidelines for eating candy with braces can vary depending on your specific orthodontic treatment. Your orthodontist is your best source of information when it comes to dietary recommendations. They can provide personalized advice based on the type of braces you have, the alignment of your teeth, and any other unique considerations.

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