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Choosing the Best Braces Colors: Avoid Simple Mistakes

Braces Color Picker: Selecting the Ideal Color for Braces

When you receive braces, you’re apprehensive about how they’ll make you appear. As a result, you begin to consider the color of braces that will make you seem wonderful, which is why we have provided you with a braces colors wheel.

When you receive braces, you’re apprehensive about how they’ll make you appear. As a result, you begin to consider the color of braces that will make you seem wonderful, which is why we have provided you with a braces colors wheel.

The color picker or color wheel for braces is a tool that shows you how many colors are available. It also assists you in selecting a hue and allows you to consider your options before making a final decision.

Let’s look at the color picker or wheel for braces and see which colors or combinations will make you appear the best with Amazing Smiles Orthodontist.

The Braces colors wheel has a variety of colors to choose from

For braces or in the braces color wheel picker, there are around 25 colors available. These are the ones:

  • Blue
  • Navy blue
  • Sky blue
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • Violet
  • Green
  • Mint green
  • Turquoise
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Brown
  • Red
  • Black
  • White
  • Clear bands

These are the only colors you have to choose from. Yet, some are excellent and some are quite poor to choose from.

For special events, celebrations, or seasons like summer, you may mix and match colors from this collection. You can also think about skin tones, whether they’re dark or light.

Colors for bracing from the wheel’s best suggestions

Let’s take a closer look at the various colors available in the color picker and attempt to figure out which one is perfect for you.


Should you choose: Hundred per cent Yes.

Symbolism: Inspiration, peace, wisdom, tranquillity, cold, quiet harmony, unity, loyalty, truth, trust, confidence, communication, stability, security, cleanliness, ocean, water, and sky are all symbols of inspiration.

Skin Tone: All skin tones are welcome, especially fair.

Who has the option to choose: anybody. That’s the most often used and safest color. This color is particularly popular among boys. You may also read about the finest braces colors for guys in our other post.


Should you choose: Yes

Symbolism: Unconditional love, romance, compassion, affection, sweetness, hope, inner peace, nurturing, serenity, harmony, friendship, approachability, understanding, and energy are all feminine characteristics.

Tones of skin: Any

Who gets to choose: Girls, in general, are women. For infant boys, light pink is appropriate.

When you have the option to choose: You may select from a variety of pink-colored braces to complement your attire. Light pink braces go with darker gowns, whereas bright pink braces go with brighter outfits. Pink may be a nice complementary color if you have blue eyes.

You can choose a luscious pink in the summer or a petal pink in the spring. You may also combine it with other items. Purple and pink, as well as bright green and pink, are popular among females.


Should you choose: No

Why: This tint also detracts from the appearance of your teeth. Brown patches or stains appear on the teeth.

Symbolism: Earth, wood, home, stone, wholesomeness, strength, security, healing, friendly, grounded, supporting, structured, quality, stability, sincerity, elegance, warmth, confidence, reliability, honesty, and protection are all words that come to mind when thinking of these elements.

Tones of skin: None

Who gets to choose: None

When you have a choice: You may use it in conjunction with green for the color of your braces. This is a wonderful time to do it in the fall.

Color Clear

Should you choose: No

Why: This elastic is frequently preferred by adults. It may appear attractive for the first few days, but after that, it becomes yellow or appears to stain. This is caused by the foods and beverages you consume. However, before picking the color of braces, an adult should be aware of a few variables.

Symbolism: Purity, tranquillity, spirituality, honesty, ritual, protection, and the moon are all symbols.

Skin tones: No one has the authority to choose.


From the braces colors wheel or color picker, you may choose from a wide range of colors for your braces. Yet, there are several variables to consider before making a final selection so that you may get a lovely smile with braces. Amazing Smiles Orthodontists use the braces color picker or the braces color wheel to assist you. Our specialists also will help you choose best braces colors for girls.

Do You Have to Remove Wisdom Teeth Before Invisalign Braces

Wisdom teeth grow at the back of your gums and are usually the last to erupt, typically in an individual’s teenage or young adult years. Wisdom teeth take up a lot of room in a person’s mouth and often emerge at an angle due to the lack of space.

Wisdom teeth grow at the back of your gums and are usually the last to erupt, typically in an individual’s teenage or young adult years.

Wisdom teeth take up a lot of room in a person’s mouth and often emerge at an angle due to the lack of space. Most anthropologists believe humans have evolved beyond needing wisdom teeth, so some people don’t have them.

Genetics plays a crucial role in if or how wisdom teeth emerge in an individual’s mouth. Often, wisdom teeth don’t push through the gums but can still cause pain. A dentist or orthodontist will take an X-ray to confirm if you have wisdom teeth or not.


Invisalign braces are clear aligners developed from computer-generated impressions and images taken from your mouth by your orthodontist and their team to align the position of your teeth.

Clear aligners are effective and often preferred to metal braces. Invisalign braces are popular because:

  • They are comfortable and easy to remove.
  • Clear aligners are discreet and have a nearly invisible look.
  • They whiten teeth during treatment.
  • Maintenance of removable liners is simple.


Many young adults who want Invisalign wonder if they need to get their wisdom teeth removed before getting these braces.

Orthodontists suggest patients remove wisdom teeth before getting Invisalign treatment. This is because emerging wisdom teeth can disrupt the teeth aligning process. Patients who fail to get their wisdom teeth removed before getting fitted for Invisalign often have to stop treatment and get their wisdom teeth extracted to get the best results after continuing with the Invisalign treatment.

Here are more reasons to extract impacted wisdom teeth before getting Invisalign;

  1. Movement of other teeth – Wisdom teeth are often behind the second molars making it hard to align when wearing Invisalign. They may take longer and cost more when under Invisalign treatment.
  2. Oral hygiene challenges – Keeping impacted teeth clean is challenging as they may collect bacteria in the teeth and gums. One may need to consult an NYC oral surgeon to remove wisdom teeth if an oral disease is detected.
  3. Damage of other teeth – As wisdom teeth emerge, they push against the second molars, damaging them.
  4. Risk of infection – If you get Invisalign braces before removing wisdom teeth, you stand the risk of infection, and your Invisalign treatment may take longer.


Even though you may not need Invisalign braces to straighten your teeth, the benefits of extracting impacted teeth include:

  • Better oral health. Getting your wisdom teeth removed prevents dental decay caused by bacteria accumulating on the far end of your second molars.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth can cause tumors and cysts to develop in the jaw bone. This can lead to the temporomandibular joints or TMJ.
  • Wisdom teeth can cause infection and gum inflammation which can be painful and might require antibiotics.


Your orthodontists will take x-rays and decide during your full clinical exam whether your wisdom teeth need to come out before you start your treatment. Wisdom teeth don’t always need to be removed. Sometimes they are angled so that they can’t be removed or may not interfere with teeth alignment.


Most parents are concerned about whether they should invest in Invisalign braces before their child’s wisdom teeth erupt. Because wisdom teeth typically erupt between the age of 17 to 25 years, your child will benefit from Invisalign before this time. Then, once your child’s wisdom teeth do erupt, your orthodontist will most likely recommend removal to preserve your child’s straightened teeth.

Some children do get their wisdom teeth earlier, so you should check to see if your child’s wisdom teeth are erupting but not visible-you will feel the tooth below the gum- before your child gets Invisalign treatment. If the impacted teeth sit just under the surface, it’s advisable to extract them as they will affect the alignment of your child’s dental braces.

Each patient and each situation is different, consult your orthodontist first beforehand.


For a complimentary consultation with Amazing Smiles, check out our three locations throughout the New York metro: we are located at 100-25 Queens Blvd, Queens, NY – 2078 E 65th St., Brooklyn, NY – 545 Central Ave, Cedarhurst, New York.

DIY Braces

DIY Braces Alright!!! That new Do It Yourself clear braces kit just arrived at your door. You’re ready to apply the braces… you’ve opened up the package. You’ve read the instructions. You’ve stuck the almost completely invisible tray into your mouth.


DIY Braces Alright!!! That new Do It Yourself clear braces kit just arrived at your door. You’re ready to apply the braces… you’ve opened up the package. You’ve read the instructions. You’ve stuck the almost completely invisible tray into your mouth. Things are right with your world because your teeth are going to be awesome eighteen months from now.

But wait…

These braces don’t fit the way they’re supposed to. That online questionnaire you filled out provided all of the information for what your mouth looks like, and you probably gave them an impression of your teeth so they could mold your invisible liners. But something just feels wrong.

More than likely, the reason for this is because you didn’t actually see an orthodontist. You didn’t get that specialized, hands-on experience with an expert who knows what they’re doing when it comes to your oral health needs and the kind of orthodontic correction your teeth require.

You certainly didn’t speak with a doctor, like Doctor Yusupov, at Amazing Smiles; because going through one of those DIY kits was just so much easier on your time and so much more convenient. But was it really that easy or convenient when you’re having to get a second opinion after the fact?

No. No it wasn’t.

This is why when you see Dr. Yusupov at Amazing Smiles, you are getting that expert, one-on-one, hands-on evaluation of your oral health and orthodontic corrections. Dr. Yusupov knows that not every set of chompers is the same and that mail-order, DIY braces kits usually tend to ignore the fact that one size does NOT fit all.

If you’re considering ordering a do-it-yourself braces kit, or if you or someone you know have already ordered one, do yourself a favor and make sure to give Dr. Yusupov and Amazing Smiles Orthodontics a call because easy and convenient may not always be easy and convenient.

Different Types of Adult Braces

American Associations of Orthodontics and professional dentists in the US have given a survey report indicating the trend in wearing braces. The opinions of these professional orthodontists are published in online magazines and sites to update people…

American Associations of Orthodontics and professional dentists in the US have given a survey report indicating the trend in wearing braces. The opinions of these professional orthodontists are published in online magazines and sites to update people about the increase in brace usage. It will be higher in upcoming days if the matured groups and oldies suffer from malocclusion, tooth decaying and overbite related issues. The adult braces are required for patients who have various types of orthodontic issues like tooth misalignment, underbite and maladjustment of the protruded tooth. Amazing Smiles Orthodontics is the best place for you to have affordable aligners, braces and other orthodontic accessories for tooth resetting for facial aesthete and proper tooth protection.


  • Tooth which have protrusion need the proper alignment.
  • To prevent the malocclusion and underbite, you should wear the metal, ceramic or traditional braces/ligature bands etc to have the comfort
  • Adult braces are tooth corrective devices but matured patients choose these prosthetic appliances for enhancing the bright smile on their faces. It enhances their aesthetic glow and facial beauty.



From 2000, people have been using the modified sophisticated traditional braces with a single wire to cement the gap. The tooth box with the ligature/wire is fitted to the base of the tooth for correction. However, even though there is an innovation in the traditional brass décor, it is still not a suitable option for adults. They think that metal versions are not soothing but painful to those who need perfect teeth setting. Besides, ceramic and metal traditional orthodontic system/denture/ prosthetic braces are visible in bright light to spoil the natural beauty of the patients.


Aligners look like tooth trays which are inserted into the mouth for tooth correction. However, these trays should be removed for tooth cleaning. Even after eating food, you should collect your invisalign systems for doing tooth floss and mouth cleaning. These tooth braces should be checked and maintained for your own health development.


Adult braces for people are better tooth care devices which are made of metal, ceramic, fiberglass and other lightweight materials. Besides, the gold and platinum plate insulated braces are also available but these devices are costly for economical people. Orthodontists also recommend other standard braces like self-ligating and lingual braces.


All braces for full-grown men and women are not same. The prices of these medical components are different depending on the materials used, size, and brand. Besides, if the patients have the special medical insurance covering the dental treatment, they will get price reduction at the time of buying the braces for tooth correction. Invisalign treatment costs patients around $3000- $8000. The gold or platinum sealant of the braces for adult persons is sumptuous. In this connection, Amazing Smiles Orthodontics website gives customers an estimation to buy the best-in-class braces to treat teeth.

Adult prosthetic braces reinforce your tooth handling the malocclusion and tooth decaying/gum bleeding issues. This device enables you smile carelessly and freely as it fills up the gap between the tooth cavities/ tooth boxes. In this regard, for having free quotes to buy the best orthodontic accessories like ligature bands, conventional braces and aligners, go to the site of Amazing Smiles Orthodontics.

Dental Wax for Braces

Braces have the ability to work with aligning a patient’s teeth and giving everyone a confident smile. However, it cannot be denied that the fact that braces work to straighten teeth can lead to initial discomfort.

Braces have the ability to work with aligning a patient’s teeth and giving everyone a confident smile. However, it cannot be denied that the fact that braces work to straighten teeth can lead to initial discomfort.

Metal wires and brackets can hurt the sensitive inner side of the mouth. But the best part is that no one needs to keep suffering through this discomfort.

Dental wax for braces provides instant relief to every painful brace problem. Here’s what should be known about dental wax.


To keep great oral health, patient’s should always follow the routine instructions that their orthodontist recommends. Such as brushing and flossing everyday while using dental wax on a patient’s braces.

Do: Always replace the wax when needed, even if the wax is used only once.

Don’t: Reuse wax.

Do: Eat soft foods and drink liquids with the wax in place.

Don’t: Keep wax in place if food becomes stuck to it.

Do: Make sure that the wax is perfectly in place before sleeping.

Don’t: Worry if you swallow it while sleeping or eating.

Do: Contact your orthodontist if the pain persists or comes on suddenly.

Don’t: Fix the braces or wires yourself.

We do promote the fact that ‘D.I.Y.’ should not be attempted by the patient, instead if something feels off, the patient should immediately contact and call their orthodontist.


The initial stage of the brace journey always involves dental wax. Why? Dental wax makes braces more comfortable and adaptable.

Sometimes, the brackets on braces can rub against the insides of the mouth, or the bracket can pop off inside the mouth. This causes major discomfort. Covering the edge with the wax provides immediate relief from the discomfort of this situation.

Applying the wax will separate braces from the teeth. This solves mouth sores until a patient can see their orthodontist, and these are easy to apply and remove, making them suitable for kids and adults.

Dental Wax for Braces



If you are unsure about what steps to take when it comes to orthodontic care, by all means, comment, send us a message, or call us to ask any questions! Check out our latest article that talks about if patients can use an electric toothbrush while wearing braces.

Also, if you need a ‘FAQs’ page, check out our page ‘Ask An Orthodontist.’


If anyone is needing to visit our orthodontic care center, visit Amazing Smiles Orthodontist with convenient locations in Long Island Brooklyn, and Queens, NY. Amazing Smiles honors payment plans such as payment installments, insurance, flexible spending programs, and third-party financing.

Cosmetic Dentistry

The Art Of Cosmetic Dentistry: Enhancing Smile With Braces

Cosmetic Dentistry, most people think of make-up when they hear this word. Many others might immediately call to mind a more pleasant description of plastic surgery. But what about Cosmetic Dentistry. Sounds really glamorous, doesn’t it?

Cosmetic Dentistry, most people think of make-up when they hear this word. Many others might immediately call to mind a more pleasant description of plastic surgery. But what about Cosmetic Dentistry. Sounds really glamorous, doesn’t it? It sounds… beautiful… for lack of a better word.

Cosmetic dentistry is the term used to describe work done by an orthodontist to improve the appearance of teeth, the gums, and/or the bite of a person’s mouth. As the term “cosmetic” suggests, it’s all about making sure that the aesthetic of one’s chompers looks and feels pleasing.

One of the main methods that orthodontists use to make a patient’s mouth a bit more cosmetically appealing without going through surgery is through the use of braces, which straighten and align the teeth over a period of months or years.

Cosmetic Dentistry


Braces are the most well-known form of cosmetic dentistry. They provide a non-surgical alternative to correcting a patient’s oral health, but many don’t like the thought of getting braces because of some of the negative attitudes surrounding braces.

However, one of the most popular forms of braces to come out in the last decade or so is Invisalign. Invisalign is super popular because it offers the oral health and cosmetic dentistry benefits of standard braces as well as the benefit of them not being as visible as their traditional counterparts.

Standard/traditional braces usually run a range of as little as $3,000 to as much as $10,000; they are semi-permanent and require adjustment from an orthodontist every few weeks. With Invisalign, patients wear removable trays that they exchange every two weeks for anywhere between 18 to 30 months. The cost ranges between $3,500 to $8,000 on average; while the cost can be a bit higher than traditional braces, the trade-off is that you can still do all the things you used to do and eat all of the foods you used to eat before you had to get braces.

Of course, there is a middle ground; the Damon Braces system is a self-adjusting, semi-permanent braces system available for patients in need of cosmetic dentistry. They have the look and feel of traditional braces, but they don’t need the constant attention the traditional system requires, nor does Damon Braces require the elastic bands being applied to keep the brackets and wires tight.


Damon Braces run about the same range as Invisalign, roughly $3,800 to $8,000. However, before making any decision about which system you’d prefer, speak with Amazing Smiles about your cosmetic dentistry needs as well as which system would best suit the type of oral health care your teeth require.

For more info, contact Amazing Smiles to have all of your frequently asked questions answered.

Children’s Orthodontic Options

Children’s Orthodontic Options. If you live in the Forest Hills, Richmond Hill, and Woodhaven areas, be sure to contact Amazing Smiles and their highly qualified team to get answers to your questions and to schedule an appointment for your child(ren)…

Children’s Orthodontic Options. If you live in the Forest Hills, Richmond Hill, and Woodhaven areas, be sure to contact Amazing Smiles and their highly qualified team to get answers to your questions and to schedule an appointment for your child(ren) as soon as possible.

If you’re a parent with children, you’re probably wondering whether or not your children need to see an orthodontist. Obviously, they’re going to need to see a dentist for regular cleanings, but an orthodontist?

Surprisingly, the answer is yes. Yes, your children should see an orthodontist. Especially if their regular dentist has made the recommendation. In fact, it’s often recommended that parents get their children in to see an orthodontist by the age of seven (7) years old when they have a healthy mix of primary teeth and permanent teeth.


This allows the orthodontist to assess whether or not there is crowding in your child’s mouth as the primary teeth drop out and the permanent teeth take their places.

If your child exhibits signs of crooked teeth or a misaligned jaw, difficulty eating or chewing food, or they are complaining of pain in their teeth, jaw, or gums, then they definitely need to see an orthodontist sooner rather than later. Dentists are only trained for the cleaning of teeth, whereas an orthodontist receives additional training that specializes in perfecting smiles through the use of orthodontic appliances.

If that is the case, there are many options available for your child(ren). Braces – especially traditional metal braces with brackets and bands – are the most common option available for your child’s alignment needs. Headgear and retainers might also be used depending on the how extreme the misalignment is.

But with the increase in orthodontic technologies, there are now newer forms of braces that can be used to correct your child’s teeth. Aside from the stainless-steel format commonly associated, there are also ceramic materials, as well as clear alignment trays made from plastic.

In rather extreme cases, oral surgery might be a necessary tactic, but that’s usually in cases where the patient has gone too long without any proper alignment taking place.

Ceramic Braces

Dental braces align misaligned jaws and help correct crooked teeth. Braces can be metal, wires, or ceramic with a bonding material that attaches them to the teeth to hold them firmly as they align.

Dental braces align misaligned jaws and help correct crooked teeth. Braces can be metal, wires, or ceramic with a bonding material that attaches them to the teeth to hold them firmly as they align.

Braces are common among adolescents, but more adults are getting corrective braces to align their teeth. Even though the success rate may vary with age, an orthodontist specializing in this kind of treatment can help you achieve your goals. Our specialists also will help you choose attractive braces colors.


Ceramic braces first came out in 1987 as an option for people looking for a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to steel braces.

They are made of aluminum oxide and are preferred among adults because they are less noticeable than metal braces.


1. Reduces plaque accumulation

Plaque is a sticky, colorless film that contains bacteria and builds up in your teeth. If one fails to remove their dental plaque while it’s still soft, it hardens and can cause tooth damage and decay.

Studies show that people with ceramic braces have less plaque accumulation on teeth brackets than metal ones.

2. Less visible

Ceramic braces come in different colors and shades; they are customizable to suit the color of your teeth, making them less visible.

Also, with clear brackets, you can comfortably take photos and smile at the camera without worrying about the braces appearing in the pictures.

3. Less allergic

It’s not uncommon for traditional braces to trigger an allergic reaction, as many individuals have metal allergies. Most braces contain metal alloys, mainly nickel which can lead to contact dermatitis. Ceramic braces have the advantage of containing no metal, so they are an excellent alternative for individuals with a metal allergy.

4. Have more uses than aligners

Invisible aligners such as Invisalign have limitations when it comes to correcting severe overbites and drastic tooth positioning. However, ceramic braces can correct complex dental issues.

5. Suitable for imaging tests

During imaging, metals interfere with MRI scans, which can be a problem if an individual needs an MRI of their head or neck area but wear braces. Doctors often recommend you remove your metal braces before the imaging. However, ceramic braces are safe for magnetic resonance imaging.


1. Dimenalization of enamel

Ceramic braces tend to wear down the tooth’s enamel more than metal braces. The calcification of the teeth is sometimes hard and impossible to reverse.

2. Less durable

Ceramic braces are not as durable, which can be an issue if an individual is involved in contact sports. While playing, you can wear mouthguards to protect your braces, but ceramic braces are still more prone to breakage than metal braces.

3. Removal procedures

Ceramic brackets are hard to remove, and as mentioned above, more fragile than metal braces. If fragments do break, one can accidentally swallow a piece. Also, ceramic braces tend to be bulkier than metal braces, making them uncomfortable for some people.


On average, the cost of ceramic braces ranges from $2,000 to $8,500 before insurance, comparable to metal braces that cost between $3,000 to $7,500.

A standard health insurance plan does not cover most braces. However, you can get an individual dental insurance plan which will help cover the cost.

Keep in mind, though, as an adult, if you are getting your braces for cosmetic reasons, most dental insurance plans won’t cover this treatment.


Without insurance, ceramic braces in NYC cost between $4,000 -$8,000.Depending on your dental insurance, most companies pay 50% for a lifetime of orthodontic treatment.


The high quality of ceramic material increases the price of ceramic braces. The intricate parts that make the customized braces are more complicated to adhere to the teeth correctly. It depends on the orthodontist’s expertise to ensure the brackets fit well.

Also, an individual should expect to wear their ceramic braces for 1-3 years at least before seeing any results. Sometimes it takes longer as it depends on the cooperation of the patient.


Invisalign may not be the best permanent solution to teeth issues like position and overbites. Also, with ceramic, patients do not need to return to the office for adjustments and realigning.

Ceramic braces are not only invisible but also permanently align your teeth with periodic adjustments by the orthodontist. Additionally, ceramic brackets create an aesthetic that improves the patient’s smile.

If you are interested in exploring your options for ceramic braces in NYC, contact Amazing Smiles for top-rated orthopedic care.

Can You Use An Electric Toothbrush With Braces?

Electric Toothbrushes and Braces: Myths and Facts

Some patients have asked about what can happen when their braces come into contact with an electric toothbrush? We want to break down the myths and facts that are associated with this topic.

Some patients have asked about what can happen when their braces come into contact with an electric toothbrush? We want to break down the myths and facts that are associated with this topic.

First, the best decision to make when purchasing an electric toothbrush is to ask your orthodontist about which one would best suit you, and the situation that is currently occurring. Such as, wearing metal braces, Invisalign, or ceramic braces.


  • Oral-B Smart 1500 Electric Toothbrush
  • Oral-B Pro 1000 Rechargeable Toothbrush
  • Y-Kelin V-Shaped Orthodontic Toothbrush with Soft Bristles
  • TePe Universal Care Soft Slim Toothbrush
  • Philips Sonicare 5100 Protective Clean Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush
  • Triple Bristle Original Sonic Toothbrush

Picking the right toothbrush to effectively clean the spaces in-between the hard-to-reach areas that come with wearing braces is of the utmost importance. Not only will the right toothbrush allow for a thorough hygienic routine but this will help with any food that may become stuck.


Your orthodontist may recommend that a patient switch from a manual brush to a motorized electric brush for any one of the following reasons:

  • More effective plaque removal
  • Easier accessibility
  • Convenient built-in timers
  • Extra brush movements
  • Convenient speed and sensitivity settings
  • Built-in app capability to evaluate brushing quality
  • Gum & enamel safety


Fortunately, electric toothbrushes are extremely safe with orthodontic appliances. When used properly, they’re arguably safer and more effective for braces than regular toothbrushes! There are methods by which a patient should keep in mind when brushing their teeth. The same goes for manual toothbrushing, however, it’s best to keep in mind that electronic brushes should never be handled with ill care:

  1. Rinse brush head and apply toothpaste
  2. Devote 30 seconds each to all four quadrants of your teeth
  3. Hold the brush at a 45-degree angle, slowly moving it back and forth
  4. Concentrate on the tooth surface, and the upper and lower part of the appliance
  5. For a deeper clean, brush around the tongue as well
  6. Spit, rinse, and enjoy a clean smile!

The 45-degree angle is crucial. It maximizes your contact with the essential areas to clean and minimizes direct pressure exerted on the appliance. Also, remember to floss, gargle mouthwash for 30 seconds, and use a Waterpik irrigator or interdental brush for good measure.

Also, when brushing with a manual toothbrush, you can achieve around 300 strokes a minute. However, when an electric toothbrush is used, this increases to anything between 2,500 and 7,500 strokes per minute.


Patients that struggle to keep up with the 2 minutes of manual brushing a day, would do far better by buying an orthodontic-approved electronic toothbrush. When braces are involved, having that extra hygienic care helps immensely to stay on track with top dental hygiene.


If you are unsure about what steps to take when it comes to orthodontic care, by all means, comment, send us a message, or call us to ask any questions! Check out our latest article that talks about what questions have been asked before.


If anyone is needing to visit our orthodontic care center, visit Amazing Smiles Orthodontist with convenient locations in Long Island Brooklyn, and Queens, NY. Amazing Smiles honors payment plans such as payment installments, insurance, flexible spending programs, and third-party financing.

Can You Guess Who Is Behind These Famous Smiles?

Unlock Your Winning Smile With Invisalign

Few things disarm others more than a winning smile. Here’s our roundup of some of today’s most famous smiles. Famous smiles are made by you and your dentist. So, thank them. For those who are searching, the search is over.


Few things disarm others more than a winning smile. Here’s our roundup of some of today’s most famous smiles. Famous smiles are made by you and your dentist. So, thank them. For those who are searching, the search is over.

Since our goal is to increase the smile power across Brooklyn, Forest Hills, and Cedarhurst, we will give you a $500 discount on your Invisalign and Invisalign Teen® treatment (America’s favorite teeth straightening method) if you make at least five correct guesses from the eight below.

Simply email your answers (1 through 8) to doctor@ by Friday, September 2, 2016. If you guess five correctly we’ll notify you to schedule your FREE consultation.

Simply match these names: Will Smith, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Rhianna, Julia Roberts, Miley Cyrus, President Obama, Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge)

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