If finances are the only thing keeping you from straighter teeth and a Hollywood smile, October is your month. That’s because we’re offering $750 off of braces, whether it’s Invisalign® (the “invisible braces”), the Damon System (fast, effective, “elastic free” braces), or other orthodontics such as Damon Clear® or Invisalign Teen®. The discount is for a full treatment, and the only catch is that you must schedule your appointment by October 31, 2014.
Flexible Savings Account & Financing for Orthodontics
If you know you have a big health expense coming up in the new year, a Flexible Savings Account (FSA) is a smart option. It allows you to take out pre-tax dollars towards this expense. The IRS recognizes that orthodontic treatment is different from other types of healthcare expense and gives you two options for handling it:
1. Coupon Payment Option – You can submit an itemized statement of your orthodontic expenses as the service is provided. Submit this documentation with a completed claim form for reimbursement through your FSA.
2. Monthly Payment Option (Auto Pay) – You can make a contract/payment agreement with us regarding cost of full treatment and then submit your agreement with your initial claim.
Find out more about FSAs on the government’s site or also by calling our office. We will be glad to help you get started.
You can also arrange very reasonable payment plans through Springstone and CareCredit,which are each accepted at our office. Both are financing options that allow you to get the orthodontic procedures you want today, while allowing you to pay it off at low interest rates over reasonable time periods. bOur office can also arrange a recurring monthly payment from your credit card — at no extra charge — should you need to pay over time.
Also, please note, we participate with most major insurance plans and are always able to accommodate each and every situation. What are you waiting for? Come in and let’s talk!
See us by October 31 for $750 off your braces for Orthodontics Month!
With convenient locations in Forest Hills, Queens; Mill Basin, Brooklyn, and Cedarhurst, Long Island, we are at your service with easy, and effective options to straighten your teeth. And now, with our big October discount— plus other ways to save on orthodontics— you’ll have all the more reason to smile.